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"Speaking Hands"
    "Speaking Hands" is part of a programme for training and education of deaf actors on a university-level. This film shows some lectures done by the deaf actors Horst Dittrich and Werner Mössler together with the hearing director Herbert Gantschacher. The training programme has as followed the following lessons: - The process of acting (practical training / from the empty space to the performing scene) - So called „Silent Scenes“ (these scenes are working without a text. These scenes are the basic for the artistic expression for actors on stage) - Physical training and training of movements - The artistic concept of Konstantin S. Stanislawski and the continuing development of this concept till to contemporary concepts - History of theatre (from the beginning till today) - History of drama - Analysis of different forms of dramas (for example tragedy, comedy, commedia dell´arte, medieval mystery plays, the German Classics, drama of the 20th century, the Austrian comedy, the contemporary critical plays, the plays of Bertolt Brecht and Samuel Beckett) - Scientific analysis of characters in a drama - Techniques of directing - Practical techniques in theatres and costume - The act of translating (translations of plays into Austrian Sign Language) The engagement of the deaf director Howie Seago enriched the educational and training process from a professional deaf perspective. This project was awarded with the EUROPASIEGEL for innovative language projects.    