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"Theresienstadt / Terezín 1994 - 50 Jahre danach - 50 years later...
    "Theresienstadt / Terezín" became "world famous" about the fact that the Nazi-dictatorship used the old Austrian-Hungarian fortress as a concentration-camp and for the propaganda-film "Theresienstadt-Ein Film aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet / Terezín-A Film form the Jewish Settlement". From 1942 to 1944 also the composer Viktor Ullmann was imprisoned there. In that time he composed as part of the "Freizeitgestaltung" 22 musical works. On 16th of October 1944 he was deportated to Auschwitz (as many other artists from Theresienstadt/Terezín) and murdered there 2 days later by gas. This video-clip gives an impression of Theresienstadt/Terezín in 1994, exact 50 years later. There was done a memory concert for Viktor Ullmann and the other murdered artists from Theresienstadt/Terezín. In the audience were also survivors of Theresienstadt/Terezín as the singer Karel Berman. Krassimir Tassev of ARBOS-Company for Music and Theatre sung there arias of Viktor Ullmann. In the beginning of the video-clip You the old numbers of the concentration-camp fifty years later on the walls of the buildings of Theresienstadt/Terezín.    