VISUAL 2020 - Direktübertragung vom 20.Mai - 20.Juni 2020 VISUAL 2020
Livestream from May 20th to June 20th 2020 h


The 21st European and International Visual Theatre Festival presented by ARBOS - Company for Music and Theatre takes place in the year 2020 as a livestream according to the existing regulations. It was not the artistic conception that in the performances, which are livestreamed, the distance is kept and also a love scene can be performed through distancing. The Visual Theatre can a lot, which the oldfashioned peep box stage presented in their old stone theatres can't, the festival VISUAL manifold in the artistic expression with the Sign language as "The Language In Space", modern spectacle, contemporary theatre and not simple-minded like as spoken theatre.

The livestream of the 21st European and International Visual Theatre is for free access. That was made possible by a group of people, who paid the festival pass for 60,- € per person and can be used as a ticket for the livestream. But every person can donate a festival pass for 60,- Euro with a simple transaction to the account of
ARBOS - Company for Music and Theatre with the
BIC: BAWAATWW and the IBAN: AT07 1400 0072 1002 5752.
A heartful thank You!

VISUAL 2020 is livestreamed from Vienna:
20.5.2020, 20.00 and 20.5.2020, 20.20 CENTRALEUROPEAN SUMMERTIME - CEST 21.5.2020 - 22.5.2020, 10.00 CEST 23.5.2020 - 29.5.2020 daily at 10.00, 11.00, 18.00, 19.30, 20.00 CEST
Special time livestreams are marked red in the programme.
VISUAL 2020 is livestreamed from the Austrian States: 25.5.2020, 9.00 CEST, 26.5.2020, 8.00 CEST, 5.6.2020 8.00 And 10.00 CEST, 19.6.2020, 19.30 CEST, 20.6.2020, 19.30 CEST

It was 20 years ago in the year 2000 when ARBOS – Company for Music and Theatre has done the first livestreams on the internet in a time without Youtube and WLAN: The first productions have been live streamed were the internet chamber opera „It was raining yesterday evening by the Swedish composer Eberhard Eyser and the children’s play „I Can See Something You Cannot See“. These livestream got also at this time their audience on all five continents, You can read about it and see it as a documentary on the homepage of ARBOS: +

And from May 5th 2020 to May 11th 2020 with livestreams from Nova Gorica in Slovenia and from the "Anschluss"‐ Memorial at Oberschützen in the State of Burgenland in Austria the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Europe from the Nazi‐terrorregime was memorized with "The Lay of Love and Death of Cornet Christoph Rilke" melodram by Viktor Ullmann, "The Emperor of Atlantis or The Disobedience of Death" anti‐waropera by Viktor Ullmann, and the station theatre with the scene "M.a.r.s.h." by Herbert Gantschacher, with the poem "Zmaga in sgaga, mir in pir ‐ Krieg und Sieg, Frieden und Liebe ‐ Guerra e vittoria, pace e amore ‐ War and victory, peace and love" by Fabjan Hafner, and the dadaistic poem "Dead Cry" by Hugo Ball in an artistic direction of memory.

VISUAL 2020 "No Obstacles!" May 12th - Jun3 20th 2020

Wednesday, May20th 2020, 8 pm Theater SPIELRAUM Vienna on the Internet, Visual Theatre with the scenes "Storm Attack - Never The Heroes" after a poem of August Stramm, "Johnny Got His Gun" after a story of Dalton Trumbo as a part of the opening of the exhibition "The deafblind human rights activst and pacifist Helen Keller" by Herbert Gantschacher. Performed by the deaf actor Werner Mössler, the actor and CoDA (Child of Deaf Adult / Kind gehörloser Eltern) Markus Pol, the actor Markus Rupert and the director Hebert Gantschacher. The exhibition is open till May 29th 2020.

Thursday May 21st 2020, till Sunday May 24th 2020 always at 10.00 am Theater SPIELRAUM Vienna on the Internet, Workshops about the themes "To Touch - To Smell - To Taste" and "Gassed - Was-Disabled". ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Saturday, May 23rd 2020, till Friday May 29th 2020 always at 11.00 am Performances in the URBAN Space of the city of Vienna (Commuter Trains. Commuter Trainstations, Underground Railway, Underground Railway Stations, Trams, Tram Stations, National Theatre "Burgtheater" etc.) as visible and unvisible theatre with the dramatic poem "Light and Darkness" written by the deafblind poet Laura Bridgman as Visual THEATRE ON PUBILIC SPACES, ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Saturday, May 23rd 2020, 12.00 noon - 14.00 pm "European Deaf Theatre Conference XX - Deaf Theatre Network Europe" VISUAL-PRODUKTION. This year only between the involved theatres.

VISUAL 2020 "No Obstacles!" 23.Mai - 29.Mai 2020 Theater SPIELRAUM Vienna on the Internet

Samstag, 23.Mai 2020, 18.00 Uhr Theater SPIELRAUM Vienna on the Internet, Opening of the VISUAL-Filmfestivals with films from the Visual Theatre Library and about the deafblind Laura Brigdman, Marie Heurtin, Helen Keller and the philosopher, progessive educationalist and pacifist Wilhelm Jerusalem, Ludwig Van Beehoven, Empedokles, Woyzek, Franz Schubert, Rainer Maria Rilke.The VISUAL-Filmfestival is open till May 29th 2020.

Samstag, May 23rd 2020, 19.30 pm Theater SPIELRAUM on the Internet, Opening of the exhibition "The 5 Sense" touchable, smellable, tasteable, visible and hearable pictures of the visual artist Burgis Paier about the theme of the 5 senses presented on the examples of the one-sensed deafblind Laura Bridgman, the two-sensed deafblind Marie Heurtin, the three-senses deafblind Helen Keller, the blind Mary Ann Moore and Sarah Harvey Porter (she brought music into the education of the deaf). The exhibition is open till May 29th 2020. VISUAL-PRODUCTION.

Saturday May 23rd 2020 till Freitag May 29th 2020, always 19.30 Uhr Theater SPIELRAUM Vienna on the Internet, bilingual guided tours through the exhibtions in Sign Language and Spoken Language.

VISUAL-FESTIVAL EVENING PERFORMANCES from May 23rd 2020 till May 29th 2020 always at 20.00 pm Theater SPIELRAUM Vienna on the Internet

Saturday May 23rd 2020 "Strike Against The War!" A play of Visual Theatre by Helen Keller and Wilhelm Jerusalem with the deaf actor Werner Mössler as Wilhelm Jerusalem and the hearing actress Rita Hatzmann as deafblind Helen Keller. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Saturday May 24th 2020 "Strike Against The War!" A play of Visual Theatre by Helen Keller and Wilhelm Jerusalem with the deaf actor Werner Mössler as Wilhelm Jerusalem and the hearing actress Rita Hatzmann as deafblind Helen Keller. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Monday May 25th 2020 "Talking Gloves" with pictures of Albin Egger-Lienz and poems of August Stramm with students and pupils of the NMS Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz and the Gymnasium Kingisepp (Russia) directed by the deaf actor Werner Mössler and the director Herbert Gantschacher. VISUAL-PRODUCTION.

Tuesday May 26th 2020 QUEST VISUAL THEATRE (USA) "One Word - One Moment - Visual Music" a performance with visual music and music theatre with Mervin Primeaux. VISUAL-PRODUCTION.

Wednesday May 27th 2020 "Minidramas" with performances from Jolanta Znotina and Liva Kolmane (Latvia), Mervin Primeaux (USA) Rita Hatzmann, Werner Mössler, Markus Pol and Markus Rupert (Austria. VISUAL-PRODUCTION.

Thursday May 28th 2020 "Pfiff-Pfaff-Pfuff" an opera evening combining the opera buffa, the opera comique with the genre of chamberopas performed as visual music theatre with scenes of Daniil Charms, music from Werner Raditschnig and Alexander Radvilovich with the performing musicians Thomas Trsek, Rupert Schöttle, Regina Schmallegger, Gregor Narnhofer, Andrea Guggenberger, Bojana Foinidis, Adi Schober, the performing singers Selma Aljovic, David McShane, Werner Mössler (with his natural deaf voice), Markus Rupert, Markus Pol, and the performing deaf actor Werner Mössler from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Russia, USA and Austria. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Friday May 29th 2020 "In The Penal Colony" by Franz Kafka as a visual theatre adopted for the stage by Tim McCarty. The adoption of Kafka's novel for the stage written by the US-american director Tim McCarty has been translated by Horst Dittrich in Austrian Sign Language. Performed by Ramesh Meyyappan (Singapore / Great Britain), Werner Mössler (Austria), Piotr Nowak and Arkadiusz Palatynski (Poland), with the voice of Herbert Gantschacher, who directed the play. VISUAL-PRODUCTION.

VISUAL-FESTIVAL 2020 FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE from May 25th to May 29th 2020 always at 10.00 Theater SPIELRAUM Vienna in the Internet

Monday May 25th 2020 "M.a.r.c.h." Scene of Herbert Gantschacher (World Premiere) Visual theatre with deaf, hearing impaired, and multiple disabled pupils from the BIG Vienna and five-sensed pupils from the New High School of Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz and the actor Markus Rupert (directed bilingual in Austrian Sign Language and German Language). Directed and produced by Herbert Gantschacher. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Monday May 25th 2020 "Caravan" Dadaistic poem of Hugo Ball realized as visual theatre with deaf, hearing impaired, and multiple disabled pupils from the BIG Vienna and five-sensed pupils from the New High School of Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz and the actor Markus Rupert. Physical Theatre in pure beauty with a mask designed by the visual artist Burgis Paier. Directed and produced by Herbert Gantschacher. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Monday May 25th 2020 "Dead Cry" Dadaistic poem of Hugo Ball realized as visual theatre with deaf, hearing impaired, and multiple disabled pupils from the BIG Vienna and five-sensed pupils from the New High School of Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz and the actor Markus Rupert. Visual Theatre in pure beauty with a mask designed by the visual artist Burgis Paier. Directed and produced by Herbert Gantschacher. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Monday May 25th 2020 "Zmaga in zgaga, mir in pir / Krieg und Sieg, Friede und Liebe / Guerra e vittoria, pace e amore / War and victory, peace and love" Poem by Fabjan Hafner realized as Visual Theatre in four languages, in Austrian Language in Slovenian, in Italian, and in German Language performed by Markus Rupert and pupils from the New High Shool of Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz. Sign Language Coach and translation into Austrian Sign Language by the deaf actor Werner Mössler. Directed and produced by Herbert Gantschacher. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Monday May 25th 2020 "The Deaf" Visual Theatre realized after the picture of Werner Berg and the poem of Henry Beissel performed by Markus Rupert and pupils from the New High Shool of Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz. Sign Language Coach and translation into Austrian Sign Language by the deaf actor Werner Mössler. Directed and produced by Herbert Gantschacher. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Monday May 25th 2020 "The Blind" Visual Theatre realized after the picture of Werner Berg and the poem of Henry Beissel performed by Markus Rupert and pupils from the New High Shool of Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz. Sign Language Coach and translation into Austrian Sign Language by the deaf actor Werner Mössler. Directed and produced by Herbert Gantschacher. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Tuesday May 26th 2020 "Talking Gloves" The success of this project is the combination of cultural education with artistic production as some kind of living lectures from the history of the First World War. So it could created visual theatre by using paintings of the visual artist Albin Egger-Lienz and poems of August Stramm (communication of deaf, blind and deafblind in times during the First World War) performed by pupils from the New High School Klagenfurt.Wölfnitz (Austria) and the Gymnasium Kingisepp (Russia). ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Wednesday May 27th "The 4 Temperaments" a deafblind theatre play by Herbert Gantschacher created for the deafblind Florian Pichler, developed through the rehearsal proces with the actor Markus Pol (he is a CoDA, that means he is child of deaf parents, he is an educated expert for the communication with the deafblind with tactile signs and the Lorm-Alphabet), the actor Markus Rupert, and the musician Adi Schober. As a performance now it is presented as a result of workshops between deafblind and five-sensed pupils. The 4 temperament theory suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Thursday May 28th "The 5 Senses" a visual theatre play by Herbert Gantschacher to Touch, to Smell, to Taste, to See and to Hear from the perseptive of the deafblind young Florian Pichler realized as a station theatre by active involvement of the audience with the hearing impaired students of the class 2FHH of the HLMW 9 Michelbeuern Vienna with Andrea Bernal Tamayo, Bojan Cirkovic, Dulguun Erdenebayar, Katharina Haiböck, Natalija Milosevic, Miguel Nunez-Ramirez, Aleksandar Spasojevic and Christina Stepanovic and with the actors Markus Pol and Markus Rupert, Rita Hatzmann plays on piano melodies of the deafblind Laura Bridgman. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Friday May 29th "The 4 Seasons" A visual deafblind theatre play by Herbert Gantschacher to the themes: "How feels the winter? How smells the spring? How we can touch the summer? How tastes the autumn?" Performed by Florian Pichler, Markus Pol, Markus Rupert and Adi Schober together with BIG Vienna. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Since years the performances in the Austrian States are very successful. This year the productions of the festival 2020 are going to Lower Austria to Grafenegg-Etsdorf and Grafenegg-Haitzendorf, in Carinthia to Klagenfurt und State of Salzburg to the city of Salzburg deaf and hearing actors from the USA and Austria. In the year the performances are presented on the internet.

Monday, May 25th 2020, 9.00 am Entrance Hall of the New High School in Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz on the internet QUEST VISUAL THEATRE (USA) "One Word - One Moment - Visual Music" Performance with visual music and visual theatre with Mervin Primeaux. VISUAL-PRODUCTION.

Tuesday, May 26th 2020, 8.00 am Entrance Hall of the VS Grafenegg-Etsdorf on the internet QUEST VISUAL THEATRE (USA) "One Word - One Moment - Visual Music" Performance with visual music and visual theatre with Mervin Primeaux. VISUAL-PRODUCTION.

Friday, June 5th 2020, 8.00 am Entrance Hall of the MS Grafenegg-Etsdorf and 10.00 am Entrance Hall of the VS Grafenegg-Haitzendorf on the internet
ARBOS - COMPANY FOR MUSIC AND THEATRE (AUSTRIA) "I Can See Something You Cannot See" Children's play by Herbert Gantschacher. Translated into Austrian Sign Language by Georg Horngacher and Werner Mössler. Stage and costume designed and directed by: Herbert Gantschacher. Sign Language Coach: Werner Mössler. Performed by: Markus Rupert . ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Friday, June 19th 2020, 19.30 pm Toihaus Salzburg on the internet "Tryptich" Scenes and plays by Daniil Charms, Raoul Hausmann, Martha Steinitz, Arnolt Bronnen, Friedrich Wolf, Dalton Trumbo and August Stramm. Directed and produced by: Herbert Gantschacher. Performed by: Rita Hatzmann, Werner Mössler, Markus Pol und Markus Rupert. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

Saturday, June 20th 2020, 19.30 pm Toihaus Salzburg on the internet "Tryptich" Scenes and plays by Daniil Charms, Raoul Hausmann, Martha Steinitz, Arnolt Bronnen, Friedrich Wolf, Dalton Trumbo and August Stramm. Directed and produced by: Herbert Gantschacher. Performed by: Rita Hatzmann, Werner Mössler, Markus Pol und Markus Rupert. ARBOS-PRODUCTION.

